Calculate how much you can earn using our device
Calculate your estimated $WNT rewards
Enter an amount, pick a cryptocurrency, and select a time frame to find out how much interest you can earn.
Number of devices
This is the number of Wicrypt Hotspot hubs to estimate
Select your preferred country
Select your preferred state
Internet access service duration
Provide an estimated number of weeks you plan to provide internet access
Expected weekly uptime of devices
Provide an estimated percentage of time the device will be active
Average weekly bandwidth
Provide an estimated gigabyte of data that will be used weekly
Average price per GB
Provide an estimated price
Estimated Result
WNT Rewards
0 WNT ~ $ 0
Disclaimer: Please note that the results are based on a series of preset criteria and simulated predictions, part of which cannot be guaranteed by Wicrypt.
About Wicrypt
The Wicrypt “Share to Earn” model allows you to make a passive income when you share your hotspot with anyone around you. With the Wicrypt device, you can allocate per data usage or per timeframe of use. You charge users at your own rate, and users only have to pay for what they use.
You also enjoy the added benefit of earning the Wicrypt Network Token ($WNT) anytime you or any of your users access the internet using your hotspot.
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